Friday, July 26, 2013

Katie Armstrong's Fitness Bunker

So I'm sure you are all wondering two things...
1.  What's with the name?
2.  How long is she going to last blogging this time?

Well, the first question I can easily answer.  Since the last time I was on here and writing regularly, I have taken on a new business venture.  The best part about it is that I get to work on my health while I am working the business.   This business is Team Beachbody and my website has my screen name in it.  (  I have been trying to tie everything together with an army theme, so therefore we have the Fitness Bunker.  Bunker is defined as: a defensive military fortification designed to protect the inhabitants from falling bombs or other attacks.  Now while I'm pretty sure we will not be in any position to have bombs falling on us, I do feel that when we are trying to make healthy food choices and exercise regularly, we sometimes feel we are under attack from the outside world.  We are "assaulted" by a barrage of ads on television that encourage us to eat giant greasy burgers and wash it down with chemical laden sodas.  We all have friends or family that occasionally sabotage our efforts as well.  So the Fitness Bunker is here to be a place to take refuge, a place to get encouragement and motivation to start or carry on with your fitness goals.  Ask any fitness or weight loss questions, I will do my best to answer them, if I don't know the answer, we will learn together.  This is a lifelong journey after all. 
As far as question number 2, well, I'm going to do the best I can.  I previously tried to write everyday.  Obviously this busy wife and mom could not keep that up!  My plan is to write at least once a week.  I do find that in my "battle" against obesity, there are plenty of roadblocks and assaults from unforeseen enemies that pop up, so I will have plenty to write about.